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The Benefits of Erosion Control Blankets

Erosion is an inevitable aspect of nature. Depending on the climate and the area in which you are working, heavy rainfall and runoff may wash away the topsoil, or dry dirt may be blown away by high-speed winds. Even simple gravity can contribute to soil shifting on steep slopes.

Such events and their impacts are amplified when it comes to construction and land development. During construction activity, vegetation is often damaged and removed, dirt is displaced, and once stable land areas are altered. These activities remove many of the erosion controls put in place by nature, making it easier for construction site erosion to occur and for contaminants and pollutants to find their way beyond the project site to areas where they can threaten infrastructure and water resources.

In Virginia, Maryland, and Washington DC, the contractor is responsible for implementing an erosion and sediment control plan that effectively limits erosion and the unreasonable degradation of nearby natural resources. One of the most common elements of an erosion and sediment control plan used to prevent erosion on steep slopes are erosion control blankets.

What are erosion control blankets?

Erosion control blankets serve to prevent the moving or shifting of soil and help to stabilize soil particles and sediments, ensuring that they remain in place to stop sliding due to wind, water, or other causes.

Erosion control blankets tend to be woven from a particular material and are intended to slow down the speed at which water is able to move across the surface. The chosen material normally comes with many obstructions and ridges to help slow the water down.

Erosion control blankets come in a variety of different types, with some being natural and others manufactured from synthetics and a few that are even a mixture of both. Erosion control blankets can be made from straw, aspen fiber, polypropene, coconut fiber, and jute, and the majority can also be purchased in a wide array of sizes.

Common sizes for erosion control blankets include 80 to 100 square yards, most of which are able to be rolled up and cut into many different widths that range from three to eight feet wide.

The benefits of using erosion control blankets

There are many benefits to using erosion control blankets. They help to protect bare soils, primarily on slopes from the adverse impact of rain. They can also provide a useful layer of mulch that helps to promote the germination of seeds.

Erosion control blankets are also an extremely cost-effective solution to controlling erosion and promoting slope stabilization. With a relatively simple design that consists of layers or natural and synthetic fibers woven together, they cost much less than the majority of erosion control methods. Their effectiveness as a soil stabilization tool also means that time and money are saved by preventing project setbacks caused by erosion.

Versatility is another massive benefit of erosion control blankets. All erosion control blanket types work toward the same end goal but they are surprisingly versatile in nature, being vital to a number of different industries and project types, either in general need or by regulation.

Another benefit is that it is relatively easy to install erosion control blankets. The biggest issue is to make certain that water will move over the top of them which requires keying the blanket into the slope via the digging of a small trench on top of the slope. The top end of the material should be laid into the trench and made to line it.

This will require the edge to be folded under and then secured with the use of staples. The trench can then be filled in up to the previous level the soil was at. The blanket edge that is upwind will need to be overlapped under the blanket.

Erosion control blankets can be applied to a wide variety of different terrains, with as many as needed able to be laid out beside each other until the desired area has been completely covered. They can also be transported to locations that may not be safely accessible to heavy machinery, for example, the banks of waterways.

Another benefit of erosion control blankets is that they will decompose naturally over time. With the majority of erosion control blankets being made out of natural materials, they will eventually break down, meaning there is no need for them to be retrieved and they will even make an eventual contribution to soil stability and re-vegetation after they have reached the end of their intended period of use.

Erosion Control for Steep Slopes

Erosion control on steep slopes is crucial to prevent soil loss, which can lead to destabilization of the slope and potential landslides. Without effective erosion control measures, heavy rainfall or runoff can quickly wash away exposed soil, causing damage to property and infrastructure downstream. Implementing erosion control helps maintain soil integrity, preserves ecological balance, and protects against the costly consequences of erosion-related disasters.

Silt Fences

Silt fences are temporary sediment barriers constructed along the contour of a slope. They are typically made of geotextile fabric and supported by wooden or metal stakes. Silt fences intercept and slow down runoff water, allowing sediment to settle out while allowing water to pass through. They are particularly effective during construction activities to prevent soil erosion and sedimentation.


Terracing involves constructing a series of level platforms or steps along the contour of a steep slope. These platforms act as mini-levels, reducing the slope gradient and slowing down the flow of water. Terracing helps to control erosion by minimizing the speed and volume of runoff water, allowing it to infiltrate the soil more effectively. It also creates flat areas for vegetation to establish, further stabilizing the slope.


Hydroseeding is a technique used to establish vegetation on steep slopes quickly. It involves spraying a mixture of seeds, mulch, fertilizer, and tackifiers (adhesives) onto the bare soil surface using a specialized hydroseeding machine. The mixture forms a protective layer over the soil, reducing erosion by providing immediate ground cover. As the seeds germinate and the plants grow, their root systems further stabilize the soil and prevent erosion.

Erosion Control Blankets

Erosion Control Blanket on Steep Slopes Erosion control blankets for steep slopes provide an effective barrier against soil erosion on steep slopes by covering and protecting the soil surface. Their woven or non-woven material composition helps to retain soil moisture, promote vegetation growth, and stabilize the slope by anchoring themselves to the ground. These blankets offer a cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution to mitigate erosion while allowing for natural vegetation establishment, making them a versatile choice for erosion control projects.

Erosion control blankets can be used for a short term of around three months to as long as three years. They can be purchased all over the US, including in Virginia, Maryland, & DC Metro area.

Call 703-560-4040 or email Muller, Inc. at for more information on erosion control blankets or our other erosion and sediment control services.